Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Lesson from the past (dedicated to my Bestfriend)

Happy easter holiday everyone,

iseng-iseng buka email lama, ngunjungin blog lama gue, buka message di friendster. surprisingly, gue nemu message yg membawa gue ke sebuah blog dr seorang masa lalu. salah satu isinya adalah tulisan ketika hubungan kami berakhir. Ini salah satu post nya (aslinya memang ditulis warna merah):


February 19th, by ******** *****

More than 2 years, you gave me the world…more than 2 years,you set the greatest memory i’ve ever known.. But I’m sorry i have to end this..coz i know that it is much more better if i do my way and you do ur way..thanks for memory .. im sorry i can’t be as perfect as u want..hope u have a great time then


lucu juga ya kalo baca tulisan itu sekarang. well, kalo bacanya dulu2 mah udah nangis bombay tapi ternyata tulisan dia ada benernya juga. It's better if i do my way and you do your way. hasilnya? much much much better :)) i have finally found someone who give me a great time everyday and so does he. Tapi, dari hubungan itu gue belajar untuk menjadi orang yg lebih baik lagi ketika menjalani hubungan2 selanjutnya. Glad, we finish the story with a happy ending i guess.. Have a great life everyone, for those people who feel a broken heart, trust me that all the pain you feel now will be healed in some other perfect time. God will give you happiness after sadness, and you will remember your memory and pain without tears but with one big smile..

Be strong Ajeng,

much love.. Nadda :)