Wednesday, December 04, 2013

Get Here

Today is a hard day for me. I was stuck at traffic for 3 hours and came late at office. When I just bump into my desk, the next second everything came up to test me (in a bad way of course). Until the end of office hours. Not only work, friends, even love one tried to test me..

And as I write this in the middle of Jakarta's traffic inside a taxi, I realize that this is the way Allah "wake me up". I realize that in the end we will end up alone. I realize that only God that we can count on.

Allah is so nice and wants me to think of this inside a really comfortable taxi with a super care and nice driver. There is always a reason behind every test..

I can think clearly, manage my emotions and become grateful for everything.

Thanks Allah for today, I never feel this close with You other than today 😊


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